We cordially invite everyone to Italian Perugia for calligraphy workshops, in a beautiful scenery of a medieval monastery- Monteripido.One may see a better more beautiful world from the window of library in which we are going to work.
In Perugia we find harmony, silence of meditation, joy and … peace.
While patiently learning how to write beautiful letters we experience the power of words in our daily lives.
Sun, smell of cypresses, melding of nature and art, olive groves, winneries, sensual aura of Piazza Grande- that’s our Perugia!
Welcome! Benvenuti!
The 7th Art of Calligraphy Foundation Summer School of Calligraphy and Fine Arts offers in Monteripido from 11-18 August 2018 two different courses:
Italic Calligraphy workshop
Renaissance writing and art of writing haiku
by: Agnieszka Sztark-Wilczek
Calligraphy workshop
English Roundhand – Copperplate on Italian holidays
by: Zuzanna Chróścik